Gibbed save editor download and install on PC

Always make a backup of your saves before proceeding to make any modifications. Tip: If you have one character, it would be prudent to create two characters whereby you can apply mods to one character and have a legitimate character at the same time. Preferably, make small changes at a time. While editing, you have to be careful though not to make too many modifications at once which may mess up your saves. The mod options that are available on Gibbed save editor are pretty straight forward and it’s easy to understand as long as you have been playing the game. Modify your items, levels, customizations and more! Make a backup of your original save.

This save editor can edit weapons like add scope or change barrel and change their quality! Can also change your character and add credits and everything!!1. Gibbed’s save editor for Borderlands! Almost easy to use and yes. CUSA07823 and CUSA08025 Please make a backup of your profile save before using this as it will replace your current save.

Note: Editing save files for Xbox and PS4, will still be done on a PC that requires exporting and importing.īank Customizations PS4 CUSA07823 and CUSA08025. The Bank with the Weapons is saved in the.profile Data. Skillpoints have been reset to more legitness (56):) 996.sav - FL4K 997.sav - Zane 998.sav - Amara 999.sav - Moze 26 new Weapons and Shields included in the Bank.